Rosas Negras para un día triste

Hoy mis rosas se vistieron de negro, del oscuro vacío que dejó tu inesperada partida, oigo el silencio y el sabor amargo del adiós, del hasta siempre. Estoy triste. Perderte duele. Ya el brillo de tu alegría, no abrirá mi semana con tus flores. Los lunes, no serán lo mismo. Hoy no es lo mismo.

Amanecí embriagada por tu inoportuna ausencia, por el espacio que dejaste, que no será llenado ni con flores ni con vinos, ni con nada.

Solo nos queda el consuelo de tu recuerdo, de tu dulce recuerdo, cargado de momentos placenteros, felices e inolvidables!

 Te recordare mucho Julio querido, me harás mucha falta.


Las flores lloran, como lo hacen nuestros corazones al perderte. Dios te reciba en la eternidad con los brazos abiertos, y te dé el cálido recibimiento que mereces en una mejor vida. Que tu campo esté lleno de flores, de tus composiciones únicas. Que tu copa nunca esté vacía, que esté llena de la alegría del recuerdo y de los momentos que nos brindaste.

Hoy brindo por ti, con un nudo en la garganta, saboreando el vino mas amargo… el del adiós. Con lágrimas en mis ojos que regarán las flores que lloran, que hoy están de luto.

Que en paz descanses amigo, nos vemos en la eternidad!

Taittinger to be official FIFA World Cup Champagne

 Taittinger.jpgThe official Champagne for FIFA for the next two years is Champagne Taittinger. The duration of the agreement, which terminates in December 2015, includes the 2014 FIFA World Cup (TM) and the recent FIFA Confederations Cup 2013, both in Brazil.

A statement from Champagne Taittinger stated: "Champagne Taittinger will manifest its presence at the 2014 FIFA World Cup in the months to come through various initiatives with the help of its 150 distributors around the world."
This is the first time in its history that FIFA has chosen a Champagne House as the official Champagne. Taittinger will be served to guests in FIFA's VIP and VVIP areas at major events.
The Champagne costs more than 220 reais (£64) a bottle in Brazilian supermarkets, and is popular among the new rich.
The news has not gone down well in Brazil, however. The country has been convulsed with widespread protests demanding that more money be spent on much needed infrastructure and welfare projects than high profile sporting events.
Said Fifa president, Sepp Blatter, "I can understand that people are not happy, but they should not use football to make their demands heard. Brazil asked to host the World Cup. We didn't force it on them."
Fifa expects a record income from broadcasting and sponsorship deals from the World Cup, but as reported in the Guardian newspaper, none of this goes into Brazil's public coffers, although Blatter said recently that around US$100 million may be given back to Brazil for development projects after the World Cup.